What’s on

Run2Nowhere 2 Day Trail Run, 31 Aug -1 Sep 2019

The Run2Nowhere, McGregor’s 2 Day trail run, will be taking place this year from 31 August- 1 Sept 2019.

It is the perfect opportunity to explore the Breede River Valley on foot and also the unique town of McGregor, a real jewel of the Western Cape.

A great combination of short steep climbs and rocky downhills, great single tracks and jeep tracks for recovery. Runners will enjoy beautiful scenery and views of McGregor town.

The route – consisting mostly of single track, with a few open gravel roads – offers a good balance of challenge and reward with some spectacular views. While it is a great training vehicle for those preparing for longer multi-day events or runners looking to attempt their first two-day trail run, what it’s actually about is the vibe.


There are 3 runs to choose from.

McEasy – 10km ROUTE
McClassic – 20km ROUTE
McBrave – 30km ROUTE

Stage 1 start and finish in the centre of McGregor town at the race venue.
Stage 2 starts at Lord’s Wines about 10km outside of town – hop on the event service bus or use your own transport- and the finish is back in McGregor.

You don’t want to miss out on this one, book your spot today!


Event Date:
31 Aug. – 1 Sept. 2019

McGregor, Western Cape
Dutch Reformed Church Grounds (Cnr of Church & Voortrekker str)

Number Collection:
Fri. 30 Aug. 17:00 – 21:00
Sat. 31 Aug. 06:00 – 07:00

Race Briefing:
Fri. 30 Aug. 19:00

Limited to:
400 runners

Entries Open:
11 February 2019

Entries Close:
3 August 2019