What’s on

Poetry in McGregor Festival, 23-25 August 2019

Poetry in McGregor Festival Weekend August 2019 – Programme of events


The 7th annual Poetry in McGregor Festival, renowned for its warm-hearted and intimate atmosphere, has become one of the most popular poetry festivals on the continent.

The theme this year is ‘The Heart of the Moon’ and includes readings, workshops, music and poetry, open mic opportunities and lots of time for poets and friends of poetry from across the country to get acquainted.

This annual gathering is not only an opportunity to listen to and appreciate a wide range of poetic voices but also an occasion to relax in an informal, unhurried atmosphere.

After all, it is in such a warm-hearted celebration that lovers of poetry can commit themselves to a shared passion of nurturing and promoting the art of poetry.


Tel: 023 625 1871
Email: info@poetryinmcgregor.co.za
Website: www.poetryinmcgregor.co.za
Facebook: Poetry in McGregor
Twitter: @McGPoetry
Instagram: @poetry_mcgregor